Congratulations once again to Janette Toral, JJ Disini and the entire team behind iBlog6! It was good to see old friends and meet other bloggers for the first time, and to also hear the presentations of the different speakers on the 2nd day of iBlog6…
Search Results for: iblog6
iBlog6 Preview: Attraction Marketing
Here’s a quick preview of what you’ll learn at iBlog6 concerning Online Attraction Marketing, and how you can use this to make money online.
Attraction Marketing and iBlog6
For those of you who are curious about Internet Attraction Marketing (or using the internet to attract customers to you), there will be a short talk about online attraction marketing during iBlog6 (The 6th Philippine Blogging Summit)…
iBlog 7: The 7th Philippine Blogging Summit
Friends have been asking how they can improve their blogs. Well, one way is by reaching out and networking with other bloggers. Now’s your chance to meet other Pinoy bloggers at iBlog 7: The 7th Philippine Blogging Summit.
Jason De Ocampo and Networthics
Jason De Ocampo blogs at Networthics: Team Apollo, where he shares his views on network marketing in the Philippines.
Full-time Problogging
A Filipino blogger has recently gone problogging on a full-time basis. Yes, he left his day job last February 15. And yes, he is Marhgil Macuha.