A lot of network marketers (at least in the Philippines) seem to be afraid of the internet. If you ask some of them why they aren’t marketing yet online, you’ll get any of the following excuses…
Why Network Marketers Are Not Using Internet Marketing
- Lack of technical expertise
- Lack of time
- Still getting ready for it
- Still thinking about it
You can actually start publishing online by simply using email. Seriously!
There was an instance where a beginning network marketer asked about marketing using the web, and even after getting training, he still couldn’t publish a blog post containing just two words: “Hello world.”
Well… “couldn’t” is not the right word. Perhaps a more accurate one would be “wouldn’t” since he was clearly able to send/receive kilometric email messages, but simply wouldn’t send a simple email with those two short words.
Is it lack of time? Really now.
I mean… it’s just two words.
It basically boils down to this: MINDSET.
Yes, you’ll hear that word escape the lips of seasoned speakers who enthrall the crowd during Business Opportunity Meetings. Yet once the conversation turns towards the internet, the person transforms right before your very eyes.
People are uncomfortable with change. So if you’ve succeeded in the past with face-to-face closing techniques, it becomes understandably difficult to test online methods.
Even if the tactic is as “low tech” as email.
Here’s something to ask yourself: When will I actually go ahead and start marketing online?
Enough of the “preparation”, my friend. Read, learn, and apply. As in right now.
Go ahead and make mistakes. That’s perfectly all right. It’s also one of the fastest ways to learn internet marketing.
Move forward and write something. Publish anything online. Get over your fear of rejection. And before you know it, you’ll be writing, and learning, and writing some more.
Before long, you will have published an army of webpages ready to get the word out to all interested people. And when that day comes, you will ask yourself why you didn’t get right down to it earlier.
But that’s okay. We’ve all started somewhere.
Wait… I remember another excuse: “I don’t speak English well.”
Who says you have to market only in English? There are lots of customers who prefer to communicate in other languages such as Tagalog (or Filipino).
Here’s another one: I’m not a writer.
Okay… use your cell phone and record a video of you talking.
I mean, isn’t that how network marketers communicate with other people? All you need to do is experiment and transfer your real-world experiences onto a website.
Just try it. And see what happens. 🙂