Francis Chaves, owner of SWA Ultimate, pre-launches, SWA UltiMind, an extensive training program that provides knowledge about the mind’s capabilities, as well as the principles and lessons on how to correctly and deliberately harness the true power of the mind.
The pre-launch period begins on September 1, 2015 while the official launch date is set for October 4, 2015.
During the SWA UltiMind Pre-Launch Period, leaders and marketers may register and position themselves at the top of what will potentially become an extremely huge global network tree, according to Chaves.
Those who join as early birds will not only be positioned high in the global network, but will also have the chance to win a cool Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus mobile phone in the pre-launch raffle promo.
Question: “Manny, are you going to position yourself early in SWA UltiMind?”
Answer: “I prefer to focus first on the product, because I like to buy products and not positions. Currently, I’m waiting from Francis Chaves to provide additional info about the product such as what the titles are of the training modules, and what format these will be in (e.g., PDF or online video?)”
This is what we found in his website, which gives us a clue on what content to expect:
The UltiMind, or Ultimate Mind is simply the mind of our real self… in other words, the mind of our soul. Ever since the beginning of civilization, spiritual teachers and fathers of various faiths have taught us that our physical bodies (including our brains) are just shells, and that there is an immortal soul, or higher self within. This higher self has its own mind and consciousness… who is still very much us… but is pure and unadulterated, not affected by worldly factors such as our experiences, environment, physical brain capacity and status, and knowledge and education. This higher mind is the part of us that is directly linked to the mind of the Divine, thus our God guides us through our this mind.
From the above, we have a better picture of who will be attracted to the SWA UltiMind training program.
SWA UltiMind Pre-Launch Promo
SWA Ultimate members are excited about promoting SWA UltiMind, because of the chance to win a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus for all the early birds in the SWA UltiMind Pre-Launch Period (September 1, 2015 to October 3, 2015).
Each purchase of the SWA UltiMind package earns you one (1) raffle ticket, according to Chaves.
SWA UltiMind Marketing Plan
SWA Ultimate members are also excited about the SWA Ultimind Compensation Plan, which is touted as the SWA Ultimate Pay Plan 3.
According to Chaves, when you sell the $90 SWA UltiMind training program, you’ll earn a Direct Referral Commission of $10 (P450).
NOTE: It seems that Francis Chaves of Supreme Wealth Alliance Philippines, Inc (SWAPI) is now using a forex rate of P45:$1 (in SWA Ultimate, it was P42:$1).
When you have a pair of SWA Ultimind customers (one of your left and one on your right), you’ll earn a Pairing Bonus Commission of $15 (15 x P45 = P675).
Those customers can either be your Direct Referrals, or your Indirect Referrals.
Plus, when your Direct Referral makes a pair, you’ll earn a Pairing Royalty Bonus of $2 ($2 x P45 = P90).
NOTE: It’s not yet clear, however, if the pair of your Direct Referrals refers only to their own direct referrals, or even if their indirect referrals will count, for as long as they have a pair.
This is one of the questions we’ll ask Francis Chaves regarding the Pairing Royalty Bonus:
“Does this mean that each time our Direct Referral earns a Pairing Bonus Commission of P675, we will earn P90?”
And lastly, we hope that the actual payment of SWA UltiMind commissions will be processed and fulfilled faster than what was experienced in the case of SWA Ultimate.
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Kind regards,
Manny M. Viloria