How exactly does the world change? And does blogging play a part in creating that kind of change? Here’s the simple truth…
Female Bloggers
What’s with the recent blog posts about female bloggers? Well, we’re looking for a different perspective…
Debbie Weil – Corporate Social Media Strategist
Yes, you can tell that lots of people have been asking about social media. Check out the blog of corporate social media strategist Debbie Weil…
Career Disappears With Vanishing Links
Have you read Thomas Crampton’s Reporter to NY Times Publisher: You Erased My Career? His articles were published in IHT, but after the NY Times and IHT websites merged, the archives of the IHT were deleted.
All those articles, gone. But that’s not all that disappeared…
New Media Diarist Blogger
Is there really a difference between a diarist blogger and a new media blogger? And if there actually is, is that distinction significant enough particularly when it comes to credibility, truth, or plain good manners online?
How To Disclose Blog Edits
For newcomers interested in credibility in blogging, here’s a tip on how to disclose your blog edits. It’s just a short piece of HTML code which you can easily type, so don’t worry. And after you’re done with this mini-tutorial, you can say that you even learned a bit of HTML. 🙂
Betrayal By Blogging
There is some amount of truth in the “power” of blogging. Believe it or not, but your words online do have an impact on your readers, even on those who are not exactly your fans. And if the readers are your fans, then your blog posts can have an even stronger, long-term effect.
Yes, your words can leave some of your regular readers feeling betrayed.
Here are some ways you can unwittingly (and perhaps unintentionally) exemplify betrayal by blogging: