Are you promoting your networking business online? If you’re like most networkers on Facebook, you’re probably tagging strangers and sharing your referral link in different Walls, Timelines, or FB Groups. You’re just wasting your time if you don’t review the ordering process. Here’s why…
When you visit Miniloc Island in El Nido, Palawan, Philippines you’ll notice the straight path that leads to the dock. Even when you’re having breakfast in the dining area, you will easily see it.
The online ordering system of the company that you’re promoting should also have a clear path that leads customers through the ordering process.
The Recommended Online Ordering Path
Here is the recommended path:
1. Publish useful articles online. Useful, from the point of view of the people you would like to have as customers. Promote these useful articles.
2. In the webpage containing the useful article, display an Email Opt-In Form that invites people to submit at least their email address, in exchange for information that they want or need.
3. In the follow-up email messages of your email autoresponder, provide the needed or wanted information, and also invite them to try the product or service that you are promoting.
Now let’s review the product that you’re promoting…
When you promote or share a link and people visit the page:
Does it offer a useful article?
Does it invite them to submit their email address?
Does it give value first?
Or does it simply tell people to order the product?
Most likely, a networker’s referral link simply shows people how to order the product.
Right there, we can see how a lot of money is being left on the table because there are many people who are simply not ready to buy the product yet. So they leave the webpage, and they’re gone… forever.
Some companies will run for years without putting a solid online marketing system in place because for some of them, it’s all just a numbers game.
The strategy is simple: Get thousands of people to promote their referral link, and a certain percentage of the visitors will buy the product.
It’s hard to imagine how some companies will be content with a not-that-effective internet marketing strategy, when they have the means and the resources to use the “Give Value” marketing approach.
Here’s what you can do…
Give value and set up an effective online marketing system. If you don’t know how to do this yet, then go and search for the answers.
Kung interesado kang makita kung paano ito ginagawa ng ilang mga Top Pinoy Internet Marketing Experts, tingnan mo ang http://AyawKongMagBlog.com
Kind regards,
Manny M. Viloria
P.S. Read How To Join Ignition Marketing.